I find myself heading up the largest
department at Golden Acres. Its size is an indication of the importance we
play in your loved one's total care.
It has been said that nursing is a career measured in moments, not years.
Here at Golden Acres we strive to make every moment count.
Nursing is dedicated to carrying out the doctors' orders. To that end, we
want to work closely with you as a family; we request your involvement. Be
open and honest with the nursing staff as to your concerns, should there be
any. We can only solve care and medical issues by direct, immediate
Char Christianson, RN
Director of Nursing
We are pleased to announce our
Restorative Nursing Program which offers therapy 6 days per week. Our recently
remodeled, larger therapy room offers skilled services such as:
Physical therapy, along with a Restorative Nurse and
Restorative Aide. Our friendly atmosphere awaits to provide our loved ones with a therapy program that will improve or
maintain each individual’s needs. We are dedicated to our residents living
live to their fullest potential. Call or stop by for more information..
Roxanne Thomas
Restorative Nurse, LPN
It is the mission and philosophy of Golden Acres Manor to strive for excellence in
meeting the individual activity needs of all the residents we serve. We encourage each
of the residents to achieve their maximum functional potential. Activities are an
integral part of the cultural change movement and central to person-centered care. It
is essential for resident’s quality of life.
An individualized, activities program is the heart of a quality life for residents in
nursing homes. Golden Acres Manor provides an ongoing activity program that is
designed to meet the interests and physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of
each individual resident. We identify each of our resident’s interests and needs and
involve the resident in an ongoing activity program that is designed to appeal to his or
her interests.
You are always welcome to join us at any of our activities. Golden Acres Manors
would love to have you join us as a volunteer. We are always looking for new people
to volunteer time here at the nursing home. Please feel free to stop by and give me the
opportunity to introduce myself and let me show you around.
Shannon Mehring
Activity Director
Welcome to Golden Acres Manor dietary department, a feeling of home in a caring environment. We have a friendly staff dedicated to making sure you enjoy your dining experience. We also have a consulting registered dietician on staff who will address any dietary concerns, who will ensure our residents will reach their optimal level of nutrition, and who will assist in creating menus that will provide variety through such things as multiple entree options at each meal. We welcome you and your family to visit at any time. Our staff will be happy to answer any questions or just spend time visiting.
Michelle Hollingsworth
Dietary Manager
Residents and tenants at Golden Acres have the right to be treated with courtesy, respect, and dignity.
We believe everyone has the right to receive individual care to help meet their optimal physical, mental,
psychosocial, and spiritual needs.
I am available to give tours, offer assistance with the admission process and completion of paperwork,
answer questions, and be an advocate for residents and tenants as well as a family liaison. I will be
involved in aspects of your loved one’s care and will help coordinate any discharge planning for those
returning to their home or other appropriate living arrangements.
I am thankful to be a part of a team in a caring environment. My door is always open to residents,
tenants, family members and visitors.
Makall Grager
Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker
Being new to Golden Acres, and long-term care, I am excited to get more familiar with both; as well as establish relationships with the residents and family members.
The goal of this office is to make the business side of caring for people easier through accessibility and a friendly approach.
Easton Page
Business Office Manager
The Plant Department at Golden Acres consists of maintenance, housekeeping, and laundry. Whether it's keeping the building in excellent condition or washing our residents' clothes, the Plant Department strives to make our facility a wonderful place to call home. We take pride in having a clean, well-maintained facility that everyone can be proud of. With approximately 35,000 square feet and 3,600 loads of laundry each month, we work hard to keep Golden Acres a safe and clean place to live.
Kenny Albrecht
Director of Plant Operations
Golden Acres, recognizing that faith is important to many of its
residents and staff, seeks to provide a spiritually nurturing environment.
We provide weekly services that include prayer, scripture
reading, hymn singing, and Bible study. We strive to be
sensitive to the spiritual needs of each individual and is available for
private sessions. Golden Acres respects the privacy and confidentiality of
its staff and residents.
I serve as a liaison to local churches and makes referrals
upon the request of the resident.
Rick Loewen
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